Growing up at Sugarloaf with a Dad on the ski patrol, 加勒特 developed a love of skiing, 还有群山, 在早期. 在高中时, 加勒特 joined the ski team, and after becoming team captain, he discovered his desire for coaching. Although a former racer, Garret’s passion has always been the backcountry, and exploring the world off-resort.
加勒特 brings over two decades of experience to CVA. 他走遍了美国大陆和加拿大,寻找深粉和陡坡, he returned to the Valley to foster, 和灌输, 未来几代人对野外滑雪和骑马的热爱. 作为马鞍峰的旅行协调员和领队导游, 加勒特在冬天带领登山滑雪之旅,在夏天带领徒步旅行和划船之旅. 在研钵体, 他曾担任大山泡泡糖计划的教练, 帮助12-16岁对旅游感兴趣的人安全探索, 和导航, all-mountain terrain.
学习如何在山上保持安全是野外滑雪和骑行的关键组成部分. 加勒特’s experience in rescue operations, as a ski patroller and fire fighter, 帮助他更好地训练和他一起工作的运动员. 他的证书包括荒野第一响应者, Registered 缅因州 Guide, PSIA一级, AIARE Level 1 and Avalanche Rescue, Swift Water Rescue Technician, Pro Board Firefighter 1 & 2, and Wildland Firefighter.
在淡季,加勒特度过他的夏天漂流,山地自行车和徒步旅行. He even completed the full Appalachian Trail!